June 21, 2018
New Students and Grads to...
Dear Wharton Club of Korea We are delighted to welcome the class of 2020 this Fall. If you have...
Read moreMay 8, 2018
[Wharton Club] 2018년 상반기 활동보고 및 연회비 안내
존경하는 와튼스쿨 동문 여러분, 올해 신년회에서 공지해드린 것처럼 동문회 집행부는 올해에도 동문회 활동을 더욱 활성화하고...
March 4, 2016
This is a post about how our club does some great work
February 17, 2016
Tell your club about something cool that you guys did recently
This content will pull readers in and feature as an excerpt
July 9, 2013
First post about your nation
This is the first blog post. You can insert photos into a post and embed...